Title graphic for the exhibit: From Eyeballs to Electrons page title: Exhibit Guide

Navigating the Exhibit

From Eyeballs to Electrons is presented in a series of one-page chapters, each of which introduces a new stage of the story. These pages include links—most in the illustrations and thumbnail images—which invoke second-level pages elaborating on the theme of the current chapter. Some of these second-level pages contain links to further pages.

You can think of the exhibit space as a long gallery with rooms leading off it: you can stick to the main pages for a short trip through the exhibit, or visit all the links for an in-depth journey. We've also provided an index to the linked images in the exhibit, to make it easier to find second- and third-level pages again.

Whether you take a quick stroll through, or stay to linger in our virtual museum, we hope you find your visit worthwhile. We invite you to send comments and questions to collections@ucolick.org. Please also visit the Lick Observatory Historical Collections Project.

Contents: Part I

Introduction Part I begins with visual oberving—before and after the telescope—and continues through the heyday of celestial photography.

The First Detector The human eye was the first—and for most of recorded history the only—light detector available to astronomers.

Glass Eyes The invention of the telescope in the seventeenth century overcame the limit of the eye's small pupil, but the eye remained the only detector.

Starlight in Silver In the late ninetheenth century, photographic plates began to replace the eye as the astronomical detector, vastly increasing telescopes' capabilities.

Master of the Camera Edward Emerson Barnard, a member of the original Lick staff, used photography to reveal the sun, comets, and the Milky Way as they had never before been seen.

Fainter, Farther, Deeper Lick director James Keeler's deep space photographs established what we now know to be galaxies as fundamental constituents of the universe.

Photography's Long Reign By the early 1900s, photography had become the dominant detector in astronomy, remaining so for much of the twentieth century.

Image Index, Part I A graphical index to the secondary pages linked from Part I of the exhibit.

Please address questions or comments to collections@ucolick.org.

From Eyeballs to Electrons was developed by the Lick Observatory Historical Collections Project . The Project has received support from University of California Observatories / Lick Observatory. Some of the software used in the creation of the exhibit was donated by Adobe Corporation. Thanks are also due the Project's able volunteers.